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What a bizarre sequence of events that we have witnessed over the past six weeks. In many ways it still seems so surreal. It goes without saying that health and wellbeing are of paramount importance, and I am eternally grateful that my family and friends are well. But that doesn't mean that lockdown hasn't presented a number of challenges along the way...
Homeschooling, cooking, cleaning, running a home, looking after a baby and trying to launch a business- I'm spinning a lot of plates here.
Suddenly I’m being eaten out of house and home; meals and snacks are being consumed quicker than I can dish them up. My weekly grocery bill has doubled. The house is a mess. The maternity leave that I envisaged and looked forward to has turned out be quite a different experience in reality (though with this being baby number three, I have to caveat this by saying I wasn’t expecting it to be all zen mummy and baby bonding, but still!).
Being in lockdown with three children under the age of six, time to myself is now a very distant memory and a precious commodity. I am always on the go. To the extent that I’m now stealing 5 minutes' solace and respite in unconventional places and activities. Chopping vegetables, sorting out laundry, loading and unloading the dishwasher... I’m using these typically (for me) mundane tasks as an opportunity to recharge and re-energise.
Now, I may be a mum of three but I still like to look good. I just have less time for it at the moment. I think it’s probably safe to say that most (if not all) of us have become a little bit lax in recent weeks. For the most part I've found it to be quite liberating. This time of year is usually where we busy ourselves with perfecting our spring-summer look... legs and armpits kept immaculately smooth and fuzz-free, appointments for manicures and pedicures consisting of beautiful bright pops of colour are booked and attended religiously... chipped polish a total no-no. I’m OK with letting all that go for a while. (Maybe a little too OK...?)
I associate spring / summer with experimentation when it comes to my hair. Be it new products, new routines, a new colour or style. But I just can’t make the time investment right now. I kind of miss the ritual, the labour of love, but I am embracing (and quietly enjoying) the new low maintenance normal. My weekly wash day has become fortnightly. Wash n' go's are suddenly the style option of choice. My collection of beautiful African-print headwraps have never seen so much action. My high puffs remain in place for days on end.
What I love most is how easy it is to elevate my look so nobody needs to know that I really did (sort of) wake up like this. Add some sunglasses (hello sunshine) and hoop earrings along with a slick of red lipstick and I'm set! This new low maintenance living is actually working for me. It came about through unforeseen circumstance, but could be my path of grooming choice moving forward...
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